Monday, June 7, 2010

Social Media Participation Chart

I came across this diagram in a post by egolfer6. You can read the original post here: . The blogger talks about how we all have a "media channel" and that blogging is his. Your media channel may be posting videos to YouTube, recording podcasts, or joining Facebook. Whatever it is, we all have some form of media channel.

I have found my media channels to be blogging and twitter. I'm a Producer and a Commentator. I enjoy connecting with other people, both for entertainment and to learn. I have developed a nice social network through my blogs and through twitter. At this point, I think I use twitter more than my Facebook account! I truly consider the people I meet through these outlets to be my friends and colleagues, even though I have never met many of them IRL (in real life). I have learned from them and been inspired by them. A few years ago, I would have laughed if someone had told me you could really connect with people online.

So what is your media channel? Take a look at the graphic. Are you a Producer, Commentator, Gatherer, Joiner or Observer? Are you a mix of them all? Leave me a comment and let me know where you land.


  1. My media channels are my blog, Twitter and Facebook. According to the charts, I'm a mix of everything except a gatherer.

  2. Hmm. I guess I could be in all of those categories. I'm a producer and commentator (although that's sometimes reluctant), I gather information to pass on to our SJ readers, of course, by being in the Sisterhood, I'm a joiner, and I lurk (observe) on all kinds of sites (which actually can go along with the gathering category). Whew. That makes me tired.

  3. Producer, Commentator, and Joiner. i mostly use twitter and blogs, but i also use facebook on occasion.

  4. I'm with April I'm a hodgepodge of all of the above. I prefer Twitter for its inter-activeness, and my own personal blog for deep(ish) reflection.

    I never *got* social media until I jumped into it. Now I can truly say the people I consider my BEST friends are online!

  5. I'm in agreement that facebook has been pushed aside with being more active on twitter. Heck, I get most of my news updates via Twitter from various new organizations. I rarely have time to watch the news, so I can get the headlines via twitter and go and check out the links if I want/need more information.

  6. Thanks for all the great comments, ladies. It's interesting how we are all have a mix of media styles and preferences, yet we still come together to communicate. And, Karena, I agree with you. Some of my best friends are online!

  7. I'm definitely more active in Twitter than any other social media at the moment. I would have to say I fit into all of the categories but the main ones I use are Twitter, Blogger, Facebook and Flickr. Definitely have my best friends online. :)

  8. I'm not really sure what category I would fall into. I mainly use FaceBook, my blog and Twitter. However, have posted pictures on Flickr and uploaded some videos to YouTube.

    That is a great chart though! I would love to learn more about what makes up each type of group.
