Saturday, June 5, 2010

Welcome to the Speech Dawgs Blog!

I'd like to welcome you to the inaugural posting of Mrs. Fitzpatrick's Speech Dawgs Blog!  My hope is that this blog will eventually be utilized by my speech and language students, as well as by their parents and building staff, but for the moment, it is most definitely under construction.  Why "Dawgs" you ask?  I had to name the blog after our mascot - plus, I just liked the way it sounded :)

This is where YOU come in!
In this first posting, I'd like to ask you a question.  What type of information would you find most useful from this blog?  Please comment below and let me know!

1 comment:

  1. You should include information about different speech impairments, how speech is taught, and how the parents and teachers take affect to this in their classrooms and at home.
